Words can be broken down into syllables. Syllables are 'chunks' of a word that break the words into manageable syllables.
- Cat = 1 syllable
- Drink + ing = 2 syllables
- Yes + ter + day = 3 syllables
Say the word out loud, clearly stressing each part of the word. One is then speaking in syllables.
Some words contain letters that are either silent or not pronounced.
- Wednesday = Wed + nes + day = 3 syllables
- Handbag = hand + bag = 2 syllables
- February = Feb + ru + a + ry = 4 syllables
Some words contain letters that are either silent or not pronounced.
- Fascinating = silent 'c'
- Scissors = silent 'c'
- Knat = silent 'k'
- Yatch = silent 'ch'
These are words with an identical string of letters:
Others are 'related' because they have the same root meaning:
- Sound, round, ground, pound, wound
- Here, where, there
- Ought, thought, sought, bought, brought
- Guitar, fruit, suit
Others are 'related' because they have the same root meaning:
- Society, social, association
- Triangle, tricycle, triceps, trio, triplets
When pronouncing a word with two vowels, the first vowel takes the sound - the alphabetic sound.
- Coat, coal, foal = o, as in 'oh'
- Wait = a, as in 'ape'
- Feel = e, as in 'Egypt'